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@kebbeco no food goes to waste

On one hand, there are people who live their life lavishly. They are not only enjoying the joy of essentials but also have what they want and desire; a luxurious living providing them an extra comfort. On the other hand, there are people who cannot even afford the basic requirements of

living. They do not have shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. There are people who have much more than they need to live while others have barely enough to survive.We cannot make such people rich; however we can at least help them.

Hundreds of children live and work on Lebanon’s streets. At least 1,500 children, nearly three-quarters of them Syrian, (who fled from the war in their country) beg on the street and work as roadside vendors, mostly concentrated in urban centers like Beirut and are unable to get access to food while countless meals are thrown away each day and it’s not getting easier for people living on the street with rising housing and living cost.

Kebbeco will be dedicated to helping the hungry by rescuing and donating leftover food to homeless people. And Instead of considering them as a project to help, we will view them as people to love and respect.

We know that many restaurants fast food or otherwise, are hesitant to donate unused food due to concerns about liability if people get sick after eating it. This is why we will serve the food only on the same day, unused and even partially used eaten food will be utilized as long as it is edible. Meals will be served every day after 12 midnight till 1:00 am only on the same day to ensure the freshness of our food. Homeless people are welcome to pass by and collect their food. It will be distributed in a plastic bag for a portion of one and since Beirut area is crowded by the homeless, the location of our restaurant is convenient to these people who can come by foot and be served.

We have a great belief this will encourage other restaurants to eliminate food waste and it will be inspiring to see simple but smart waste reduction ideas to gaing round, diverting good food to the people who need the most.

It's a gesture to show the society that kebbeco cares about those without, we are sure this will bring joy to their lives.

Angela Skayan

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